Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain?Are you tired of feeling constant pain?You’re not alone – shockingly, 1 in 6 Australians suffers from back problems.Multiple factors can contribute to lower back pain, from poor posture to muscle strains and herniated discs. It’s one of the most common reasons why adults seek medical help.But ifContinue Reading »
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Category: Back Pain
Thoracic Mobility is so Easy to Improve
This exercise is a very simple way to increase your thoracic mobility without requiring any equipment (except a chair/couch!). Sprinkle this in throughout the day if you’re feeling stiff while stuck at your desk.1Line up the back rest to the level JUST BELOW the point you want to mobilise2Place your hands on opposite shoulders3Take yourContinue Reading »
Prevent lower-back injury with this simple routine 2021
When a lot of lower-back injuries happen, it’s a result of combing bending and twisting at the same time. One of the ways that we can prevent and practice this behaviour is to carry out exercises that combine those movements safely. We have previously visited exercises that individually strengthen the surrounding areas of the hips, lower-back andContinue Reading »
Prevent and Relieve Back Pain With This Glute Exercise
The basics of restrengthening usually involve squats and heavier compound exercises. It’s important not to overlook switching on and coordinating the same muscles too. It’s about getting them to fire with the hamstrings at the same time. This week, I’ll take you through a great exercise that will allow you to train your glutes and hamstringsContinue Reading »
Relieve Sciatic Pain With This Easy Routine
A lot of people come into the clinic claiming that they have sciatic pain. What they’re usually referring to is pain in the front or side of the thigh, however true sciatic pain is referring to the rear side of the thigh and into the calf and foot. Sciatic pain can be sharp, lancinating and there areContinue Reading »
Neural Flossing May be Your Answer to Fixing Hip, Knee or Back Pain
If you’ve been unable to fix long-standing discomfort around the areas of your back, hips or knees, this might be your answer. Today we’re talking about Neural flossing. This involves stretching the Spinal area and the sciatic nerve. Neural pain may easily be confused with lower back, knee or hamstring pain and can be identified when releasingContinue Reading »
Let’s Say Goodbye to a Sway Back in 2 Minutes
This week, we’re looking at stretching out the lumbar area of the back. This is particularly helpful for anyone who has tension through your lumbar area – especially anyone with a sway back or “lumbar lordosis”. If that’s what you’re dealing with, we want to combine today’s exercise with a hip flexor stretch which we have previouslyContinue Reading »
Abs vs Core – Which One is More Important?
In the past, we’ve shared some core exercises to help with your lower-back strength. Today, I want to show you the difference between our abdominals and our deep core stabilisers. Abdominals are usually recognised as our “six packs” (or rectus abdominis). Today, I’m going to take you through an exercise to activate your transverse abdominal area.Continue Reading »
Sore Lower-Back, Hips or Knees? This Stretch Will Help.
What do the ITB – and the lower-back, hips and knees have in common?Quite a bit actually. Building on our previous videos about the ITB which involved triggering the area and using a foam roller to relieve tension, Dr Leah Madden takes you through an effective stretch to try. The ITB is important because it attaches toContinue Reading »
Morning Lower-Back Routine
Last week, Jay took you through a simple routine that you can do every time you need to bend down to pick something up off of the floor. A lot of patients come into the clinic with a stiff lower back which is aggravated first thing in the morning. We’ve touched on alleviating tension in theContinue Reading »